Monday, April 15, 2013


(NK) Being picked up from the airport in Sydney was just one of the many luxuries our travels had given us a deep appreciation for. It was so good to see Paddy and Debbie Kirwan’s faces waiting for us in arrivals. No buses or transfers, just an air-conditioned ride across the ANZAC bridge in PK’s swish new Toyota.

The Paella was on the table and my brother Adam and his girlfriend Louise were in the new apartment to greet us, ah family reunion. Deb Deb’s friend from England Jane was also staying so we had a good dinner and chat. Looking out over the harbor from the balcony we were blissfully happy to be with family again.

The view from the Kirwan penthouse
The next day Adam and Louise took us on a tour of Sydney’s beautiful beaches and treated us to some lunch. It was a good job, for the price of a sandwich in Sydney you can order a hit on someone in Central America. The money is flowing and everything comes at a premium price for penniless travellers like us. A good job we had a roof over our heads and food on the table!

Our first night out in Manly was a shock to the system. A few drinks with an English crowd were followed by some Aussie nightspots where Fi wanted to punch everyone. I felt her pain. Why? We’d forgotten what going out in the first world was like, the preening, the posing, the arrogance, the rudeness that overlays the insecurities, neurotic desperation and sociopathic tendencies. Whatever happened to going out to have fun people? We did, however, all have fun watching Paddy Kirwan getting all jiggy on the dancefloor – strutting his stuff with his bad dad dancing!

(FK) That said I did enjoying getting a bit dolled up and feeling all girly and glam again. I even painted my toes after six months of going bare. The heels were a bit hard work though, Lou had bought me a beautiful pair of sky-high sandals, but much to my dismay I walked like a duck in them!  

(NK) We even missed the pie shop for the ferry on the way home but luckily Adam had predicted such an error and bought about six pies to ensure that he at least got one to himself.

As we got into family life we spent some quality time with Mama Kirwan who was learning to swim. Having never really been a water baby this was proving to be a real challenge so everyday we’d spend a little time in the pool or the sea with her. The dragon of a teacher in her swimming classes was probably no help but Debs worked hard and got pretty good pretty fast.

Like everything, if you want to get better do it again and again and again.

We made it up to the Blue Mountains for a day trip of hiking which involved some more spectacular scenery. The huge waterfalls and giant overhangs are well worth the two-hour journey from Sydney.


Sweaty Bettie's

Pass the Bi nocularrrs 
We were treated to some great weekends with family, the first being a trip to Summer Bay where Home and Away is filmed. The sea was in a violent mood so swimming was off the cards. The waves were fierce and I was wiped out on more than one occasion. I even managed to coax Debs out but we were smashed and washed up on shore coughing and spluttering, she didn’t look impressed with me. It’s good to remind yourself where the power lies.

Home & Away

Aussie Kirwan's

Maybe not
With Paddy away back in England for a few days, the other captain Kirwan took over and we hired a boat to take us around Sydney harbor with Adam at the helm. First stop was a big rock for jumping off in Manly, the signs and fencing didn’t stop us but the thought of getting in shark infested water almost did.

Captain Kirwan

You go first!

My turn
It also involved a bit of tubing, we even managed to convince Debs it was a good idea again.

(FK) It was mental, what was I thinking? I’d promised myself only to go in the sea up to my ankles and here I was cavorting in the middle harbor on an inflatable. Had Jaws taught me nothing?! It hit home when Lou sent us an article about this particular stretch of water being a favourite hangout of large bull sharks – yikes!

Me and Fi

Promise it'll be... OK
(NK) Debs was also the star of the show when we went out paddle boarding in the harbor. She was ungraciously trying to stand up when her bikini top popped off with more force than Barbara Windsor would ever be able to muster. The whole beach was blinded for 30 seconds.

Our final weekend in Oz was a complete piss up in the Hunter Valley for three days, visiting various wine experts and pretending to have a sophisticated palate. This basically involves the pourer telling you about the flavours and depth of the wine, you tasting it and then repeating back to them what they said to you and them agreeing.

(FK) This being Australia it was very unpretentious and we learnt a lot about how wine is made, the soil, the grapes, the weather and the various factors that contribute to the final product. Lou had organized a wonderful itinerary for us which included an amazing day cycling around some boutique vineyards, yes cycling and wine drinking are a match made in heaven, we ended up having to call the guy to come and pick us up from our last stop!

(NK) The extra curricular activities at night also involved a pizza-making contest where we scored each other’s efforts. There were some interesting entries, particularly Adam’s which was more of a Saturday night kebab than a pizza. Lou Flan came out on top with an avocado special that surprised everyone. Paddy obviously came last but only after some ridiculous voting from Adam Kirwan who scored him a 1/10, perhaps to save his own mountain of chilli dog meat from being last.

Kirwan Home Ec class

Gourmet Girls
Adam after eating his abomination
Luckily no-one fell out and no-one got food poisoning which was a minor miracle. Fi also got to demonstrate how good her fire starting skills have become by lighting the pizza oven up.

The last night we had a big Aussie BBQ with a host of family and friends which was a really great way to sign off on our mini Oz adventure.

Fi's the fire starter

Winner and loser
 We loved the outdoor lifestyle, the amount of parks, beaches and green space that were available for enjoying exercise and the outdoors. Bronte Beach in particular was a favourite. It was amazing to see our family so happy and settled into a sunnier way of life. We were so well looked after and will miss them all but we’re only 24 hours away!

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